Connect with World Class Doctors.
Find out more about leading professionals from Brazil and around the world who will share their vision, experience, and science-based insights, providing you with a unique opportunity to learn from the best as well as from the 70-year legacy of Straumann and the International Team for Implantology (ITI).

Alejandro Lanis
Director of the Advanced Education Program in Implantology at Harvard, world-renowned speaker, and ambassador for the European Association of Osseointegration. Member of the ITI Global Education Committee, American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and several renowned institutions.

Alejandro Treviño
Dental surgeon with a master’s degree and a specialization program from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, where he worked as a professor for 25 years. Currently an associate professor at Louisiana State University (LSU). National and international speaker and author on implantology and dental esthetics. Member of ITI, International College of Dentists, and Pierre Fauchard Academy.

Alessandro Januário
Specialist in Periodontology and Implantology, master’s and doctoral degrees from Unicamp. Professor and course coordinator at Aria, director of the Dentistry course in Brasília. Education Delegate at ITI Brazil.

Alessandro Perucchi
DDS graduated from the University of Bern (ZMK) in 2005, with a doctorate in 2007. Specialist in Oral Surgery SSO since 2011. Works in his private practice since 2012. ITI Speaker since 2014, focused on research in implants, prosthetics, and digital dentistry. Active member of various dental associations and professor at SUPSI since 2016.

Bruno Matias
Specialist in implantology, master’s student in digital dentistry, coDiagnostiX® expert, ambassador of the Virtuo Vivo™ Intraoral Scanner and Smilecloud in Brazil, member and speaker of the International Team for Implantology (ITI).

Charlotte Stilwell
Current president of the International Team for Implantology (ITI) and a household name in oral rehabilitation. Specialist in prosthetics in London and senior lecturer at the University of Geneva. Graduated from the Royal Dental College, and taught at Barts and the London School of Medicine. She sits on the Board of Directors and is a founding member of the Women Implantology Network.

Cristian Scognamiglio
DDS – Graduated in Dentistry from the University of Varese (Italy, 2018). Practicing at Dr. Alessandro Perucchi Private Dental Clinic since 2020, also collaborating in oral surgery at ‘Studio Vanini,’ Switzerland (2020-2022). Speaker at national and international courses. Active member of SSO, DDS, EAO, ITI, and OMDCT.

Diego Bechelli
A private practitioner in Buenos Aires specializing in oral rehabilitation and periodontics, lecturer, ITI fellow, and Study Club director in Buenos Aires. Coordinator of the Argentina and Uruguay Study Clubs. International speaker at the ITI Argentina and Uruguay Section in implant dentistry and oral rehabilitation.

German Gallucci
Chair of Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterials Sciences at Harvard School of Dental Medicine. DMD in Prosthodontics from the University of Geneva, Switzerland. Published in global dental journals, he’s an ITI Fellow, AP member, GNYAP Fellow, ACP member, AO and EAO member.

Gustavo Harfagar
Bachelor of science and specialized in implant dentistry at the University of Chile. He has 10 years of academic experience and has been the director of the Digital Restorative Dentistry Program at UDD University, Chile, since 2017. International speaker with 15 years of experience in esthetics and implant dentistry.

Juan Manuel Olarte
Dentist and specialist in oral rehabilitation from the CES University of Medellín, Colombia. Clinical master’s degree in digital dentistry in Atlanta, Georgia, and technical consultant in 3D printing in Erfurt, Germany. His clinical practice is entirely based on digital solutions. ITI member, key opinion leader, and Straumann speaker.

Laurence Adriaens
Degree in Dentistry, University of Ghent, Belgium. Master Degree of Advanced Studies in Periodontology, University of Berne, Switzerland. Specialist in Periodontology recognized by the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP). ITI Fellow since 2008 and ITI Study Club Director since 2009 in Palma de Mallorca. Since 2022 member of the Board of ITI Iberia. Publications in national and international dental journals. Oral and poster presentations in national and international dental meetings. Co-director of the official Journal of SEPA (Sociedad Española de Periodoncia y Osteointegración) published 3 times a year. Founding member of WIN group (Women Implantology Network) since 2016. Owner of private practice in Palma de Mallorca, working as a specialist in Periodontology and Implantology.

Leandro Cardoso
Specialist in surgery and implantology, master’s degree and PhD in maxillofacial surgery and traumatology from the Faculty of Dentistry of São Paulo State University. Fellow of the International Team for Implantology (ITI) and fellow in implantology and periodontology in Italy. Coordinator of the specialization and advanced surgery in implantology program with the Goiás branch of the Brazilian Dentistry Association.

Leandro Nunes
Specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery at the Lutheran University of Brazil. Master’s degree in oral and maxillofacial surgery from Sacred Heart University, São Paulo. PhD in oral and maxillofacial surgery from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul. Within the International Team for Implantology (ITI), he has a scholarship at the University of Bern, Switzerland, is chairperson for Brazil, as well as being a fellow and Study Club director. He is a member of the European Association of Osseointegration as well as a CoDE member at Straumann.

Livia Lamunier
Specialist in Implant Dentistry. Master’s in Implant Dentistry. ImplanTeam member, ITI fellow, and ITI director.

Lorenzo Tavelli
Full-time assistant professor and director of the postgraduate program in Periodontology at Harvard School of Dental Medicine. Graduated from Milan, with residency and master’s in Michigan. Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology. Pioneer in minimally invasive grafts, using high-frequency Doppler ultrasonography and biomarkers. Associate editor of scientific journals. Multiple research awards.

Luiz Otavio Camargo
Master’s degree and PhD in dental prostheses from the Faculty of Dentistry of University of São Paulo, ITI fellow and speaker, member of ImplanTeam, and champion of the Straumann World Class Cup. Has published papers and chapters in books in Brazil and abroad.

Maria Marta Fernandez
PhD in dentistry, professor and teacher at the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Buenos Aires, Dental Association of Argentina, and CIO Clinic. Associate professor of the specialization program in periodontics at University of Salvador/Dental Association of Argentina. Specialist in periodontics.

Paula Corvello
Specialist in CTBMF (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology), Implantology, and TMD (Temporomandibular Disorders) and Orofacial Pain. Master’s in Oral Rehabilitation. Director of the ITI (International Team for Implantology) Study Club Porto Alegre 2. ITI Speaker and fellow. Straumann Code Holder. Professor in the Implantology specialization at ABO/RS (Brazilian Dental Association/Rio Grande do Sul Section) and the Restorative Dentistry specialization at ABO/RS.

Rodrigo Beltrão
Specialist with a master’s degree and a PhD in oral and maxillofacial surgery from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, advanced surgical training in implant dentistry at UCLA – Implant Center, postgraduate degree in digital dentistry, ITI member, professor of the specialization program in implant dentistry and oral and maxillofacial surgery.

Santiago Castro
Dentist and specialist in oral rehabilitation from the CES University of Medellín, Colombia. Founder of Toothprint. His clinical practice is entirely based on digital solutions. ITI member, key opinion leader, and Straumann speaker.

Sergio Piano
Private practitioner and CoDE (Center of Dental Education) in Genoa, Italy. Graduated DDS cum laude at the University of Genoa in 1988. Visiting Assistant in 1991 – 1992 at the University of Geneva, Departments of Fixed Prosthodontics (Prof. Belser), Periodontology (Prof. Cimasoni) and Oral Surgery (Prof. Fiore-Donno, Dr. Bernard). Active Member of IAO (Italian Academy of Osseointegration) and IAED (Italian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry). Professor on contract in Implantology at Genoa University. Current ITI (International Team for Implantology) Chairman of the Italian Section. Global speaker on surgical and prosthetic topics in Implant Dentistry.
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